VPNurbsGenerator EvaluateKnotSpanIntegralValue Method Virtual Photonics - VTS Library
Virtual Photonics
Returns the integral of a NURBS curve over a single knotspan. If the integral has to be performed to evaluate ROfRho the algorithm checks if the lower time limit of the knot span is larger then the minimum time of flight necessary to reach the detector. The integration is analytical only for the real domain and only if the time span is larger then a threshold value and only if the value of the exponential decay due to absorption is larger then a threshold value.

Namespace: Vts.Modeling.ForwardSolvers
Assembly: Vts (in Vts.dll) Version: (1.0.12)

public double EvaluateKnotSpanIntegralValue(
	double exponentialTerm,
	double[,] polynomialCoefs,
	double[] controlPoints,
	double lowerLimit,
	double upperLimit,
	double space


Type: OnlineSystem Double
exponential decay due to absorption
Type:  OnlineSystem Double 
polynomial coefficients of the non null B-splines curves over the knot span
Type:  OnlineSystem Double 
tensor product control points of the isoparametric curve
Type: OnlineSystem Double
knot span lower limit mapped to the physical value of the parametrized variable
Type: OnlineSystem Double
knot span upper limit mapped to the physical value of the parametrized variable
Type: OnlineSystem Double
spatial coordiante mapped to the refernce space

Return Value

Type: OnlineDouble
integral value of a NURBS curve over a single knotspan
See Also