VPNurbsGenerator MembersVirtual Photonics - VTS Library
Virtual Photonics

The NurbsGenerator type exposes the following members.

Public methodNurbsGenerator 
Default constructor,used for testing.
Public methodNurbsGenerator(NurbsGeneratorType)
Class constructor which loads the reference values from resources based on the generator type.
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Public methodBinarySearch
Binary search used to determine the span index where the parametric point belongs.
Public methodComputeCurvePoint
Evaluates a point on a NURBS curve.
Public methodComputePointOutOfSurface
Evaluates the value of a point out of the reference nurbs surface using the derivative of the surfece using the derivative generators for the specific domain.
Public methodComputeSurfacePoint
Evaluates the value of a point on a NURBS surface.
Public methodOnlineEquals
Determines whether the specified OnlineObject is equal to the current OnlineObject.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodEvaluateBasisFunctions
Computes the non vanishing basis functions on the specific knot span. Algorithm 2.2 from 'The NURBS Book' page 70.
Public methodEvaluateCurvePoint
Calculates the value of a point on a NURBS curve.
Public methodEvaluateKnotSpanIntegralValue
Returns the integral of a NURBS curve over a single knotspan. If the integral has to be performed to evaluate ROfRho the algorithm checks if the lower time limit of the knot span is larger then the minimum time of flight necessary to reach the detector. The integration is analytical only for the real domain and only if the time span is larger then a threshold value and only if the value of the exponential decay due to absorption is larger then a threshold value.
Public methodEvaluateNurbsCurveFourierTransform
Evaluates the Fourier transform of an isoparametric Nurbs curve analitically.
Public methodEvaluateNurbsCurveIntegral
Calculates the integral value of an isoparametric NURBS curve.
Public methodEvaluateSurfacePoint
Calculate the value of a point on a NURBS surface.
Public methodEvaluateTensorProductControlPoints
Evaluates the tensor product control points of an isoparametric curve on a NURBS surface. The curve has to be isoparametric in the space dimension.
Protected methodOnlineFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodFindSpan
Searches for the knot span where the parametric point lies, with a classic binary search.If the point is larger then the last knot element returns the last span index to evaluate the value of a point on the edge of the surface, which is later used for derivative extrapolation. Adapted from algorithm 2.1 from 'The NURBS Book' page 68.
Public methodOnlineGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodGetIntegralFunction
According to the degree of the monomial term and to the value of the exponential term returns the analytical integral function.
Public methodGetMinimumValidTime
Returns the first valid time of a R(t) curve.
Public methodOnlineGetType
Gets the OnlineType of the current instance.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodIntegrateExponentialMultipliedByMomomial
Evaluates the integral value of the multiplication between a monomial function and an exponential function within the lower and upper limit.
Public methodIntegrateExponentialMultipliedByPolynomial
Evaluates for each term of the polynomial the integral value of its multiplication with the exponential decay within the lower and upper limit.
Protected methodOnlineMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current OnlineObject.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodMultiplyControlPointsAndPolynomialCoefficients
Multiplies each polynomial coefficient with its corresponding control point. 'The NURBS Book' page 81.
Public methodOnlineToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
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Public propertyControlPoints
Gets or sets the NURBS control points.
Public propertyGeneratorType
Gets or sets the physical domain rapresented by the NURBS surface.
Public propertyNativeTimes
temporal coordinate of the native reference points (t_l)
Public propertySpaceValues
Gets or sets the NurbsValues specific to the space dimension(rho or fx).
Public propertyTimeKnotSpanPolynomialCoefficients
List of the non vanishing Bsplines coefficients for each knot span.
Public propertyTimeValues
Gets or sets the NurbsValues specific to the time dimension.
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See Also