VPNurbsForwardSolver ROfFxAndFt Method Virtual Photonics - VTS Library
Virtual Photonics
Overload List

Public methodROfFxAndFt(OpticalProperties, Double,  Double )
Overload of ROfFxAndFt. Determines reflectances at optical properties 'op', spatial frequency 'fx' and time frequencies 'fts'
(Inherited from ForwardSolverBase.)
Public methodROfFxAndFt(OpticalProperties,  Double , Double)
Overload of ROfFxAndFt. Determines reflectances at optical properties 'op', spatial frequencies 'fxs' and time frequency 'ft'
(Inherited from ForwardSolverBase.)
Public methodROfFxAndFt(OpticalProperties,  Double ,  Double )
Overload of ROfFxAndFt. Determines reflectances at optical properties 'op', spatial frequencies 'fxs' and time frequencies 'fts'
(Inherited from ForwardSolverBase.)
Public methodROfFxAndFt( OpticalProperties , Double, Double)
Overload of ROfFxAndFt. Determines reflectances at optical properties 'ops', spatial frequency 'fx' and time frequency 'ft'
(Inherited from ForwardSolverBase.)
Public methodROfFxAndFt( OpticalProperties , Double,  Double )
Overload of ROfFxAndFt. Determines reflectances at optical properties 'ops', spatial frequency 'fx' and time frequencies 'fts'
(Inherited from ForwardSolverBase.)
Public methodROfFxAndFt( OpticalProperties ,  Double , Double)
Overload of ROfFxAndFt. Determines reflectances at optical properties 'ops', spatial frequencies 'fxs' and time frequency 'ft'
(Inherited from ForwardSolverBase.)
Public methodROfFxAndFt( OpticalProperties ,  Double ,  Double )
Convenience array overload of ROfFxAndFt. Determines reflectances at optical properties 'ops', spatial frequencies 'fxs' and time frequencies 'fts'
(Inherited from ForwardSolverBase.)
Public methodROfFxAndFt(IEnumerable OpticalProperties , IEnumerable Double , IEnumerable Double )
Evaluates the spatial frequency and temporal frequency resolved reflectance calculating the Fourier transform of the NURBS curve R(t) at the required spatial frequency for the specified optical properties. The computed FT is analitycal or discrete according to the boolean value 'analyticIntegration'.
(Overrides ForwardSolverBase ROfFxAndFt(IEnumerable OpticalProperties , IEnumerable Double , IEnumerable Double ).)
Public methodROfFxAndFt(OpticalProperties, Double, Double)
Calls its vectorized overload to evaluate the spatial frequency and temporal frequency resolved reflectance.
(Overrides ForwardSolverBase ROfFxAndFt(OpticalProperties, Double, Double).)
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