VPColormapType EnumerationVirtual Photonics - VTS Library
Virtual Photonics
Available choices for mapping grayscale intensity. These names taken from matlab.

Namespace: Vts
Assembly: Vts (in Vts.dll) Version: (1.0.12)

public enum ColormapType

  Member nameValueDescription
Hot0 varies smoothly from black through shades of red, orange, and yellow, to white
Jet1 ranges from blue to red, and passes through the colors cyan, yellow, and orange
Gray2 linear grayscale
HSV3 varies the hue component of the hue-saturation-value color model
Bone4 grayscale colormap with a higher value for the blue component
Copper5 varies smoothly from black to bright copper
Binary6 map is digitize to two colors (white and black)
See Also