VPNurbsForwardSolver ROfFxAndTime Method Virtual Photonics - VTS Library
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Public methodROfFxAndTime(OpticalProperties, Double,  Double )
Overload of ROfFxAndTime. Determines reflectances at optical properties 'op', spatial frequency 'fx' and times 'ts'
(Inherited from ForwardSolverBase.)
Public methodROfFxAndTime(OpticalProperties,  Double , Double)
Overload of ROfFxAndTime. Determines reflectances at optical properties 'op', spatial frequencies 'fxs' and time 't'
(Inherited from ForwardSolverBase.)
Public methodROfFxAndTime(OpticalProperties,  Double ,  Double )
Overload of ROfFxAndTime. Determines reflectances at optical properties 'ops', spatial frequencies 'fxs' and times 'ts'
(Inherited from ForwardSolverBase.)
Public methodROfFxAndTime( OpticalProperties , Double, Double)
Overload of ROfFxAndTime. Determines reflectances at optical properties 'ops', spatial frequency 'fx' and time 't'
(Inherited from ForwardSolverBase.)
Public methodROfFxAndTime( OpticalProperties , Double,  Double )
Overload of ROfFxAndTime. Determines reflectances at optical properties 'ops', spatial frequency 'fx' and times 'ts'
(Inherited from ForwardSolverBase.)
Public methodROfFxAndTime( OpticalProperties ,  Double , Double)
Overload of ROfFxAndTime. Determines reflectances at optical properties 'ops', spatial frequencies 'fxs' and time 't'
(Inherited from ForwardSolverBase.)
Public methodROfFxAndTime( OpticalProperties ,  Double ,  Double )
Convenience array overload of ROfFx. Determines reflectances at optical properties 'ops', spatial frequencies 'fxs' and times 'ts'
(Inherited from ForwardSolverBase.)
Public methodROfFxAndTime(IEnumerable OpticalProperties , IEnumerable Double , IEnumerable Double )
Returns the reflectance at spatial frequency, fx, and time, t, scaling the reference fx-time resolved reflectance. If a point of the reference reflectance outside the time/spatial frequancy range of the surface is required, the value is extrapolated using the first derivative along the time/spatial frequency dimension. If the required point is outside both ranges a linear combination of the two derivatives is used.
(Overrides ForwardSolverBase ROfFxAndTime(IEnumerable OpticalProperties , IEnumerable Double , IEnumerable Double ).)
Public methodROfFxAndTime(OpticalProperties, Double, Double)
Calls its vectorized version to evaluate the time and space resolved reflectance for a spatial frequancy, fx, and at time, t, for the specified optical properties.
(Overrides ForwardSolverBase ROfFxAndTime(OpticalProperties, Double, Double).)
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